
2010年11月9日—Butusuallywesimplyuse“information”forbothsingularandplural.Thismistakearisesbecauseinsomelanguagesthewordhasbothsingular ...,7天前—Informationisanuncountablenounmeaning'factsaboutsomeoneorsomething'....Wedonotuseinformationinthepluralformandwedonotuse ...,Informationisanuncountablenounandisnotusedintheplural.Yousay:Ineedsomeinformationabouthotels.✗Don'tsay:Ineedsomeinformationsab...

How to use the word “information”

2010年11月9日 — But usually we simply use “information” for both singular and plural. This mistake arises because in some languages the word has both singular ...

Information - Grammar

7 天前 — Information is an uncountable noun meaning 'facts about someone or something'. ... We do not use information in the plural form and we do not use ...


Information is an uncountable noun and is not used in the plural. You say: I need some information about hotels. ✗Don't say: I need some informations about ...


Using the plural form when one of the uncountable senses is meant is generally an error made by non-native speakers. A grammatical alternative would include a ...

is information plural or singular in English?

“Information is” / “informations are” – is information plural or singular in English? by Jakub Marian.

Plural of information

2016年9月13日 — The word information has no plural form, it is uncountable as water, salt, etc. The answer is:.

The Plural of Information

The Plural of Information. Information is a mass noun. It has no plural form. Information about the package is as important as the package itself.

What is the plural of "information"?

2020年1月9日 — Information is a mass noun/uncountable noun, therefore it does not have a plural form. Was this answer helpful? upvote 3. mid-banner-image.

What is the plural of information?

However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be informations e.g. in reference to various types of informations or a collection of informations.







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